RCATS Remote Test Probes (Discontinued)

Allow mobile operators to actively monitor and improve the quality of services delivered to their end customers.

RCATS Remote Test Probes (RTPs) enable wireless service providers to actively monitor and improve the quality of services they deliver to their end customers.


  • Increases customer satisfaction by reducing the time required to detect customer-impacting problems.
  • Reduces operating cost by automating monitoring, testing and reporting.
  • Increases operator visibility of service quality by providing network-wide, real-time reporting of measurements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Key Features

  • Tests multiple services from an end-user perspective.
  • Rugged, embedded platform designed for operation in remote locations, with support for downloadable remote software upgrades, and rack-mounted installation.
  • Secure access and control via Web-based QoSExecutive or telnet over Ethernet, dialup or serial port.

Assistência em cada passo

Oferecemos assistência, serviços, treinamento completo e os recursos de que você precisar. Isso tudo faz parte do que fazemos para maximizar o valor de seu investimento VIAVI.

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